My schedule seems to have got very full very quickly. NaNoWriMo starts on Thursday and I'm planning on entering it. Before that happens I want to have got last year's novel, which I think its ok and might actually be publishable, into a good enough state to send off to some friends for editing. I'm currently in the 'improve what you've got' part and will shortly start on the 'add in as many words as you can.' This part is important because my book is currently only 168 or so pages long. And it needs to be much, much, longer. So I've got to write about 16,000 more words.
But that's not all! I've also got four, count em, four competitions that have to be finished at about the same time. I have to enter these because I have still to get a job and though I'm managing perfectly well at the moment eventually I will need money. And they offer money. So I'd like to enter them. But if I submit each story with the max amount of words I'll need to have written 23,500 words plus 40 lines of poetry before NaNoWriMo begins. Which, might I remind you, is Thursday.
Also on Thursday is my creative writing class. I have to also submit a short story for them, running to no more than 2,000 words which brings us up to a grand total of 25,500 words in the next five days. Which works out to about 5,100 words a day. Plus 40 lines of poetry.
I am so not going to sleep any time soon.
There's other news. What was it? Oh yes.
I'm in yet another competition! Because of eating and stuff. How I managed to finally get into it is a story in itself but one for another time. In this one a short story of mine plus a dozen or so others has been published (yay) on a mobile app. The one who has the most downloads before Halloween wins. The app is free and called Ether Books. You have to be on a iPhone or an iPad to get it. Android users might also be able to acquire it but that remains unconfirmed. Once you have the app you search for my name (Alexander McCall) and my short story should come up. It should look like this.
If you download it then it'll be one more step towards me being a published author and fairies will clean your dishes. Or something.
I am actually starting to see sentences highlighted in yellow floating in front of my eyes so I'll stop now and go to bed. It's going to be a long few days.
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