Tuesday 9 April 2013

Undead Getaway

Ok, I'm not going to lie, I forgot I still had this.
In my defence I have been pretty busy. Since my last update I've written another novel and submitted it to another competition. I've had university work and have been working on about three videos. I've entered a few competitions and started writing scripts. And all the numerous other things that make up life.
And yet for some reason this site continues to have traffic. According to the analytics it was viewed by 72 people last month, mostly from the United States and Germany (Guten Tag!). It's been almost five months since my last post and yet 72 people have visited this site? I honestly want to say thanks. That just seems amazing to me.
So I want to tell you about the project I'm working on right now. It's called Undead Getaway (because we suck at names) and will basically be a travel show. With zombies. Because why not?
However traveling costs a fair bit of money and we're all students and basically broke. So here's our plan. We're going to try Kickstarting it. Kickstater (for those of you who don't know) is a crowd sourcing website where people put up ideas that they have and ask people to give them money to fund it. They give incentives so that at certain pledge levels you get stuff like t-shirts, posters or stuff like that. If they manage to raise the amount of money that they're asking for then they get it all. If not then they get nothing.
My group and I believe that this project has merit and that it can work. We're working on a pilot episode set in Ayr, Scotland, and that should be finished within the next few weeks. We've got a Facebook Page, a tumblr account and a Twitter feed or whatever it's called. If you think this is interesting please check it out, like, favourite, subscribe, share. All that stuff. Lot's of information will be coming out soon. It's going to be an interesting time.
Well I'd best wrap this up, now that the shameless begging is done. I've got to film a music video tomorrow and a lot of stuff to do before then. So goodnight. And thank again for continuing to read this blog.

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